How do I get into École Centrale de Lille?


École Centrale de Lille offers nearly 260 places on its general engineering course. For more details, see the diagram below.

215 places for the Centrale-Supélec competitive entrance exam for MP, MPI, PSI, PC and TSI preparatory classes

12 places and 2 places in the international cycle for the Banque Filière PT entrance exam.

6 places for the ATS entrance exam.

15 places for the Écoles Centrale university entrance exam.

Length of initial course

3 years* depending on choice of course

Admission level

Bac +2, +3 (2 or 3 years of higher education)

Degree obtained

École Centrale de Lille engineering degree – CTI accredited

School fees

€2,572 per year



Enrolment at École Centrale de Lille is entirely online. You will be able to log on from 4 August 2024 to complete the administrative formalities, using the login and password indicated in the message displayed on SCEI.

If you wish to reserve accommodation in the Léonard de Vinci hall of residence, you must pre-register on the residence website (the website address and access code will be indicated in the message posted on SCEI) from 4 August 2024.

Start of the academic year

For 1st year students:

Your choice of 6 or 7 September 2024 from 1.30 pm to 4 pm. No pre-enroment is required.

Distribution of the Welcome Pack and introduction to the student associations.