Advanced course pathways
In the third year, you choose a more in-depth course in one of the 5 themes below.
From strategy to data management
Against a backdrop of economic, organisational, digital, and technological transformation, new jobs have emerged. The challenge is to organise, understand, and model increasing quantities of data in order to reduce the uncertainty involved in decision-making.
This theme is designed to meet the growing demand from companies for Enterprise Architects and Data Scientists and covers all sizes of organisation and all areas (production of goods and/or services, public services, etc.).
Energy and sustainable construction
In connection with 21st century engineering professions, the “Sustainable construction and energy” theme specifically addresses the following three topics:
- Environmental sustainability (decarbonisation, local use, and consumption of energy, etc.)
- Smart mobility
- Smart housing, design, construction, and durability of structures and works
Smart systems and environments
In an increasingly connected and interactive world, where new uses are being created, people are becoming increasingly mobile and need a more efficient and autonomous environment. Working on intelligence that is both centralised and distributed will enable us to respond to the “smart: everything & everywhere” challenge!
Industry of the future
Design products and production systems that are sustainable, ecological and agile!
Are you interested in the sustainable economy and limiting the waste of non-renewable resources? If you love innovation and new technologies and are keen to take up the challenge of developing France’s industry, then this is the theme for you!
Engineering and Healthcare
The collaboration between the medical field and engineering has often produced success stories. Modern hospitals are filled with technological sophistication, from imaging devices to computer systems.
Nevertheless, the interaction between medical and engineering fields remains largely under-exploited. This is due, among other things, to the different training courses, and the difficulty for engineers to grasp the full complexity of the medical world: the large number of players, the centrality of the human factor, the variability and dynamics inherent to living beings, among other things.