Centrale-Supélec competitive entrance exam
The Centrale-Supélec competitive entrance exam is one of the most selective for preparatory class students. Every year, it attracts more than 23,000 students who share a few hundred places. The schools recruit through the Centrale-Supélec competitive entrance exam from scientific preparatory classes for the grandes écoles (CPGE) in the MP, PC, PSI, MPI, PT and TSI streams.
This competitive entrance exam is the main route to admission to the École Centrale de Lille.
Information on: https://www.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/
Number of places
Banque Filière PT entrance exam
The Banque PT competitive entrance exam is a set of tests used by all the engineering schools that recruit students from the Physics-Technology (PT) stream of the preparatory classes for the grandes écoles (CPGE).
Enrolment for the exam takes place between the beginning of December and the beginning of January.
Information on: http://scei-concours.fr